Ten Coolest Robots in Film

We saw many robot on television and film on the last two decade. Some of them good, some would be bad for human’s health but overall they are handy. They could hold your light saber, make a phonecall, and destroy it. We will give you the top 10 robots in movie and television

1. R2-D2 & C3PO from Star Wars Series

top ten robots
You cannot spell artoo without threepio as they are partner in crime just like starsky and hutch, or whatever. both of this robot is one of five main character to be appeared in all six star wars series. Threepio is a protocol droid, designed to serve human as information center or translator to anticipate difference in culture between species in the universe, and Artoo is utility druid, it can do anything mechanical and store your lightsaber. Both of this character provide humor relief in gripping situation.

2. Maschinenmensch from Metropolis

ten robots
Played by German’ actress Brigitte Helm, this robot is one of the most famous movie icon. Her blank face and lady’s curve has been a subject of fascination and disgust for years. The maschinenmensch has many names given to her for years: Parodi, Ultima, Futura, Robotrix, (fake) Maria and Hel.

3. Fembots from Austin Powers

austin powers
Fembots are the name of group of sexy Gynoids made by Frau Farbissina to seduce and kills Austin Powers. In the movie, Austin do male striptease, taking them beyond the limits of their sex and cause their heads explode.

4. Robocop from Robocop

robocop film
Robocop is series of sci fi movies start on 1987 directed by Paul Verhoeven. It was set in Detroit which crime rates are sky high. Murphy, police officer which murdered brutally reanimated as a super human cyborg know as robocop. While he is dramatically slow poke, his armor is strong enough and don’t let me start on his hand gun (cannon?).

5. The Terminators from Terminator Series

terminator movie
From our mighty governor till sexy vixen T-X, these terminators has amused us for years. Catchphrase “I’ll bhe bhack,”, showed up naked, and inventing cool way to cock your shotguns. Definitely going in the list.

6. Optimus Prime from Transformers

Two word, Transforming animation.

7. Wall-E from Wall-E

wall e and eve
Movie with no dialogs but very touching and unbelievably entertaining. Wall-E was a common garbage processor robot in deserted earth, one day a spaceship landed and he met the love of his life.

8. Johnny Number 5 from Short Cirquit

johnny short cirquit
First of all, this guy’ name is catchy, like Mambo no. 5 or something like that. Second, he is bleeding and could impersonate Bruce Lee. The movie Short Cirquit itself is a sci fi comedy released in 1986 and Johnny was voiced by Tim Blaney. The movie was good and pretty funny.

9. Classic Gort from The Day The Earth Stood Still

the day the earth stood still gort
While the remake was suck, old Gort still define the ice cold in robots. He never talks and shoot deadly ray from his eyes, not to mention that he is actually an intergalactic police-robot.

10. Data from Star Trek

Lieutenant Commander Data is a character in Star Trek: TNG serial and in four TNGs movies. Created and designed by Doctor Noonien Soong, data is and excellent android with high computational ability in his positronic brain. Though I would never understand what’s that means, Data is chief operation in USS Enterprise-D and E.