Defendor, Review on the Underrated DVD

woody harrelson

Defendor is the newest dark comedy movie we will probably not going to see on the cinema. It is low-budget debut of Canadian director Peter Stebbings. Though it is stated to be released on North America, no publisher apparently want to bring this brilliant movie to big screen. Amazon said that the DVD will be officially released on April 13th, 2010.

Defendor tells a story about Arthur Poppington (Woody Harrelson) a mentally challenged man and his delusional dream of being a superhero, created a enigmatic persona called Defendor, with an o. With no superpower and relying solely on his courage in fighting crimes, Defendor patrol the nights, helping the helpless and innocents. Chain of luck bring him to fame and finally get him close to Radovan Kristic, a kingpin whom he believe killed his mother when he was a little boy.

The film told in flashback as Arthur getting psychological exams from a psychiatrist regarding his assault charge on his prostitute friend’s father. While superhero movie gives us the similar formula about regular guy discovering amazing abilities and having a spandex (or metal) alter ego in fighting crimes, Defendor simply touch our heart with Woody’s character. His chemistry with his co-star Kat Dennings is amazing. Not to mention the uniqueness of each of the thugs, will surely please you.


Our "super"hero

A mentally challenged with unlimited courage, sincerity, and honesty to set his town straight give me the feeling I never get before when watching a superhero movie. Arthur’s struggle tells us that even an idiot could make a difference and although it was meant to parody a typical superhero in classy way, It gives us something worthy to watch. It is too bad no publisher would release this great super hero movie into cinema. Do not say that you are a superhero movie fans before watching Defendor. Buy it Here

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About kebomolor
si tampan sejagat raya (kata mamahnya), yang sangat menikmati hal-hal aneh, hobi becanda (obsesi mengerikan yang terkadang membuat si akhmad ini melakukan segala cara membuat orang laen ketawa)

One Response to Defendor, Review on the Underrated DVD

  1. mattvolke says:

    Such a likable movie!

    I wrote a review at

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